And so the “pre” journey begins….

Our journey to a simpler life has begun with purging and preparing the house to sell. It’s an overwhelming, slow process. What to keep, what to give away. So many memories wrapped up in things collected over 55 years. But I can see the light. The light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. The one that lights the path to our dream of one day hitting the open road, pulling a trailer behind us and seeing the good ole U S of A. A dream that started many years ago – 20 to be exact. The dream that one day we would be in a position to have a camper and roam.

In 2012 I left a corporate job after months of frustration with “management” for a job that would allow me to work from home. Working for a company who’s owners and management were Christians and had a deep faith in God. A boss/friend who prayed with me over this decision.  And stepping outside the boat like Peter, in faith and in awe of what the Father was working out for us. This job would afford us the opportunity to really start working towards that dream… but not without “sinking” a few times like Peter as we took our eyes off Jesus and tried to do it our way.

And now…. the house looks like a small cyclone went through it… but each day, small victories…. a repair done, a paint job completed, a light fixture replaced….. one day at a time. One project at a time…. and the light gets brighter. The dream gets closer.
