Cherished time

I began writing this the first week of August and somehow just did not get it finished.

On August 2, Mom, Michelle and I took a trip to a cabin in the woods for a time of remembrance and reflection of daddy on the first anniversary of his death. It was a precious time for all of us. A time for just being away from the noise and the reminders at home and to be together as we worked through that last first. We were blessed to have Eli and Micah with us for those couple days.

Shortly after we arrived at the cabin Michelle told us to be sure and unlock one of the windows because she is notorious for  going outside and the door being locked. So we unlocked the window at the back of the cabin and went about our time. And sure enough, true to tradition, Michelle locked us out on the back porch of the cabin before dinner of day ONE. Thankfully we had agile Eli with us who was able to maneuver that window with little effort. I was very thankful I was not the one having to crawl through that window. We might have been in trouble. 01320b3051f9dfd49f1732547916dc32048623f00a

We enjoyed a lot of time hiking, walking, and sharing memories about daddy. He would have loved that trip. He loved camping and he loved the outdoors and I think he was smiling down on us those few days.

On the evening before we were to leave the next day we drove into town for dinner and as we were leaving the park we noticed the most beautiful double rainbow. I felt like daddy was letting us know that he was OK and gave us some closure to our cherished time together. 01a23864ac47abad3814cdb1686458d9b8c8fc3f26

I know that I will always miss my daddy but I’m thankful for the time that I had him and for the memories that will always be cherished.

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