That’s a wrap…..

2020 was rough. But also full of blessings. Months without hugging and touching, long periods without seeing our family and friends. Trips and gatherings canceled…. but in the midst of all that, God was working. Families are spending more time together, people are realizing what is really important and counting their blessings. Virtual online church services made it possible for more to hear his word.

It’s been over 3 years since I added to this blog. I’m not sure why. Maybe because the last I wrote was just after the one year anniversary of daddy’s death and it took a lot out of me emotionally. But I LOVE to write and blog and put down my thoughts… so, I’m back.

Each year I choose a “word” for that year. It’s a word to remind me of what I want to be, work on and achieve that year. I generally end up with two because I can’t choose just one. In addition to my word, I choose a scripture to go with it and meditate on through out the year. This year I have 3 words but two go hand in hand for what I am working towards this year. 1) Focus/Determination (Proverbs 4:25-26 and Hebrews 12:1-22) Tolerance (Ephesians 4:2)

Image may contain: text that says 'Be completely humble gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love Ephesians 4:2 Tolerance mination "Keep your eyes focused straight ahead (on God), turning neither to the right nor to the left, and your ways will be established." from Proverbs 4:25-26 AND LET US RUN WITH PERSEVERANCE THE RACE MARKED OUT FOR US, FiXiNG OUR EYES Jesus Hebrews 2:1-2 Createdwit'

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