The journey is not always easy……

The house has on the market for a month now. We’ve had a few lookers but no contract…..yet. It’s hard keeping the house “company ready” 24/7 but we are doing it. I prefer that “lived in” look to the “museum” look πŸ™‚. The uncertainty of when the house will sell is tough…. but we are trying to be patient because we know that God has the perfect family planned for this house. It needs kids. It’s a great home with lots of room for a growing family and plenty of room to play and be together. We know that HIS timing is perfect so we are enjoying all the things we did to the house to prepare it for the next family.
Today is Father’s Day. A day I’ve been dreading for weeks. I miss my daddy. Mom gave me a pillow today that she had made from one of Daddy’s shirts. What a treasure that I will always cherish.  He would be so excited to hear about the trips we will take. He often talked about the trip he and mom took to the Florida Key’s so I’m working on plans for a trip there for our 25th Anniversary. The planning part is fun and takes my mind off other things. We are planning a trip to the beach in October just to get away for a few days…. A visit to a lighthouse and some civil war places….. and if Ron gets his wish, a ghost tour of a cemetery and light house (YIKES!) We shall see. 

I am not fully utilizing this blog yet. The original plan was to start writing when we sold the house and started travelling but I felt led to start it during the process of getting it ready to sell. Now I just need to remember to write all those things on my heart and mind as they come to me. so until then……..

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